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Coreen's Art

"Planet in a Stroller" - Process Work

The process for making this GIF is different than how I usually go about my process. I knew I wanted to make a collection of 3 GIFs, so I had chosen the 6 best thumbnails to not overwhelm everyone with different combinations.

Animated Line Art
Before I moved onto the second step of my usual process I decided to create a simple animation to be sure that the animation I choose to go with looks good before I moved on to anything else. I did this after I choose the 3 thumbnails to go forward with.

Black and White Comps
This step also looks different than my usual process since this is a collection of 3 GIFs, I needed to be sure the lighting is the same in all of them so they are cohesive when placed together. So I decided to make 3 different sets of black and white comps to insure that they will all turn out looking similar when finished. Then I moved on to color compositions.

Color Comps - Just the Stroller
During my process I like to make at least 3 color compositions. I do this to see multiple different color combinations and see which one works the best. I do this after my black and white compositions. At this point I have added any critiques or suggestions that I was given at the black and white stage. After this I move on to the final illustration.

Color Comps - Line up
Similar to the black and white compositions I need to be sure that the colors I choose are cohesive throughout all 3 GIFs, so I did a line up of all the color compositions I made. After this I move on to the final illustration and animation.

"Planet in a Stroller" - Final Illustration
This is the final illustration. It is important to me that this piece looks good as an animation and as a still illustration so it can be shown digitally and in print form if need be.

"Planet in a Stroller" - Final Animation
This is the final animation. It is important to me that this piece looks good as an animation and as a still illustration so it can be shown digitally and in print form if need be.

"Baby Planets" Collection - Line up
This is the final illustration for all 3 of the GIFs lined up.

"Baby Planets" Collection - Mock up
*Disclaimer* I was not commissioned for this. I made it for my senior illustration class as practice for what it would be like working for a client.
This is the final still mock up for my collection "Baby Planets"
This is the final still mock up for my collection "Baby Planets"
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